Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Unit Six!

After doing the Integral Assessment in chapter 11, I found that I definitely have some areas I want to focus on and change in the near future. 

The first question was what aspect of my life is the source of difficulty and suffering. I asked psychospiritual, biological, interpersonal, AND worldly. I look a good look at myself, and I think that I need to focus on each of these aspects. If I had to pick one though, I would start with biological, because I think that it would sort of go hand and hand with psychospiritual. When I take the time to focus on my physical health I find that my emotions and stress levels are down. My current level of development is still in the beginning stages of all the aspects, I am still learning what it is that makes me happy and that I enjoy. 

Starting these developments in my life right now are the best time for me to start getting to my wholeness. I am at a place where I am completely open, and willing to make the necessary changes to find this. I hope to progress over time, and gain my wholeness!

I think that as far as exercises or activities to get this going would be to stay active, make time to meditate daily, and make it a priority to be positive in the work place as well as make an impact on my community even in a small way. 

Thanks for visiting!

1 comment:

  1. Hello,
    Good post, I think it is important to work on all aspects as well. I have been trying to work on staying positive too, I have had many stressful situations lately but I have been able to remain calm and think about solutions rather being negative, upset, or overwhelmed. It has felt good.
