Monday, July 14, 2014

Final Project

            It is very important for health and wellness professionals to develop psychological, spiritual, and physically. This has to be done so that we can have an understanding of what we are teaching to others. “By incorporating the integral process into our own lives, I am certain that we will each discover the profound possibilities of integral health and healing. What begins as professional training soon becomes far more personal. We begin to know firsthand what can actually happen as we evolve a more expansive life.” (Dacher, 2006) The importance of knowing your craft in this field is high, because we must be the leaders of integral health. I am personally still working on developing each of these aspects of my life. I feel that this is a journey that happens throughout your life, but also in steps when you are ready for them in order to reach wholeness.
            I have done several assessments on my own personal health in each of these domains which are spirituality, physical, and psychological health. After going through and studying what each of these aspects actually means while studying health and wellness I decided to put them to the test. Starting with spirituality, I decided to test my faith. I realized that although my spirituality is very strong, I need to learn to realize that certain things in life I have to live by faith and not by sight. I have tendency to want to control everything, so learning to let things be is a difficult task. Physically I test myself daily, because I would say that I am a fairly active person. I am still learning what I enjoy doing so that I can continue to do this for myself but it definitely has gottan a lot better. I tested my strengths and what I need to work on to reach the goals I have set forth for myself. Psychologically I have a lot to work on as well. It is a little harder to assess your own psychological wellness, because you may think one thing but it could be a completely different story in reality. I took some time to actually reevaluate myself honestly, and came to the conclusion that I am sound for the most part but I do have areas such as anger and negativity that I need to work on.
Goal Development
            Setting goals is very important when it comes to reaching wholeness within yourself. I have a few goals, but I am going to shorten my list down to one per category just for the sake of space. Starting with the physical aspect, my main goal for myself is to lose 20 pounds within the next six months and gain strength in my exercise program. My main goal for my psychological health is to meditate daily so I can gain the ability to keep peace within myself. I want to be able to have some control on my stress levels so I think meditation will be a great asset. Lastly, my spiritual health goal is to research deeper into my faith, and find the answers I need to maintain what I believe in.
Practices for personal Health
            There are many strategies I want to implement into my life in order to strengthen my health. Physically I have begun to implement exercise routines such as yoga, pilates, and strength training to build the body that I want. I also want to learn to cook healthier foods and dinners in order to put the right nutrients into my body. Psychological strategies could include keeping a journal, meditation, exercise, and enjoying something like the outdoors as much as possible. (3FC, 2014) Next I will implement things like bible study, prayer, and attending church services to build my spiritual health. Also learning to believe in my practices such as yoga, and treat them like a part of my life and not just a hobby. I plan to implement all of these by holding myself accountable, and implementing these things daily into my life.

            Setting a commitment to yourself is the most important thing you can do. I will start my journey, and then in the next six months reevaluate where I am compared to today. No matter what my results are there is going to be room to add things or take them away or adjust anything that I want. I have to always remember that this journey is mine, and I have to make it work for me in order to make a life change. 

1 comment:

  1. Great final project! Faith is a hard one, especially for those of us who are control freaks :-) I was like that too, and once I finally was able to let go (and it started with little things like letting other people load my dishwasher wrong), it was truly amazing how much weight was lifted off of me! You don't even imagine how stressful it is to have to control everything until you finally let it go. I wish you the best of luck in your journey!
